Social Commitment

We have begun collaborating with local sports organizations in the football sphere such as Racing de Ferrol and Unidad Deportiva Somozas, as well as the prominent volleyball representative in the area, Aldebarán de San Sadurniño. Together, we conduct awareness campaigns promoting the use of green energy, with a focus on offshore wind energy. #GREENENERGY.

Our values transcend through these teams, their effort, and dedication. Through their colors, the new generations and followers of the clubs will have a greater awareness of the importance of clean energy and its advancement.




WindWaves is committed to supporting local sports to foster their development.

Windwaves transcends its corporate role by becoming an active promoter of well-being and social cohesion. We take pride in presenting a significant commitment to local sports teams, an initiative aimed at giving back to the local community everything it has contributed to WindWaves throughout its journey.

Three clubs united under the same goal: to work together as a team to achieve excellence.

El deporte como base de energía limpia y bienestar común.

Nervión Naval Offshore respalda equipos deportivos locales, fomentando el bienestar social y la conciencia sobre la energía limpia. A través de sus colores, buscamos inspirar a nuevas generaciones y seguidores para que valoren la sostenibilidad y comprendan la importancia de seguir desarrollando prácticas responsables.

Sport as a basis for clean energy and common well-being.